Digital Security in India: Emerging Threats

A 1-day workshop was organized on the theme “Digital Security in India: Emerging Threats” in ‘Raman Auditorium’, AC Tech Building, Anna University Campus, Chennai on Saturday 23 July 2022. Hon’ble Shri D. Bharatha Chakravarthy, Judge Madras High Court was the Chief Guest and delivered an enlightening lecture on digital security and data privacy. Shri S.K. Dogra, (Retd) , I.P.S., D.G.P. T.N. Police delivered a key note address on the recent trends in cyber crimes in India. After the tea break, there were four thematic sessions the first one by Ms Srilisha, D.S.P. T.N. Police Cyber Crime Command Centre, followed by one session each on ‘Artificial Intelligence’ by Shri S.N. Ravichandran, ‘Securing the Mobile Device’ by Shri Dinesh and “Money crimes in the Metaverse’ by Smt Panchi. The post-lunch session was a panel discussion with three participants – Dr Bascarane, Supdt of Police from Pondicherry Police, Shri Logesh Babu, cyber law advocate and Shri R Bhagwan Singh, senior journalist, well moderated by Shri Bharat, the well-known media personality and anchor. Please click the link for photos and complete video recording of the day’s event.

Event Photo Gallery